Treasurer Info

Before you spend any money:

  • Confirm with PTO Officers, or Committee chairs what your budget is and what the deadlines are
  • Contact us for the Tax Exempt Certificate
  • You must present tax exempt status to all vendors. The PTO does not reimburse sales tax. If you make a purchase and are charged sales tax, we can only reimburse you the amount minus the tax

How to pay for something:

  • You can spend your own money and request reimbursement. Be sure to save your receipts.
  • Please avoid combining PTO purchases with your personal purchases. This makes it harder for the Treasurer when going through receipts
  • You can request a check or request to use the PTO debit card. This method is usually reserved for large purchases and contracts (i.e. contracts with vendors). For small purchases, please pay for them yourself and request to be reimbursed.
  • Please email us ([email protected]) to request purchases made through one of our tax exempt accounts.
  • Please make arrangements 1-2 weeks in advance for any payments vendors require on the day of service (assemblies, special lunch, staff meals, etc.)
  • Please allow 1-2 weeks for reimbursements.

Click here to access our Reimbursement Form.